November 2023 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Ashby de la Launde and Bloxholm with Temple Bruer andTemple High Grange Parish Council held on Tuesday 21st November 2023

Present: Cllrs: L Reilly (Chair), R Walker, T Eley,  W Lawrence, District Cllr A Bailey

Also present: Mrs J Eley (Clerk)                                                         

Apologies received from  – County Cllr R Kendrick and Cllrs G White,  C Johnson and J Wilkinson

Meeting opened 7.31pm 

23/188  Chair welcomed all present and invited Cllr Bailey to speak

Meeting paused 7.32pm   -

Cllr Bailey introduced herself, this being her first meeting of this Parish Council, and apologised for previous non attendance outlining the difficulties her time constraints place upon her as she is also a full time Nurse.  She outlined the path to her current position as a District Councillor and requested that where possible we raise awareness of her new role within the district.

Cllr Bailey also discussed the implementation of an Emergency Plan which the parish council has previously rejected and it was agreed that Emergency Numbers, as outlined on the LCC webpages, should be displayed within the Village Hall.  The council thanked Amelia for attending.

Meeting resumed 7.46pm.

23/189  The Chair addressed the recent floods and the impact on Bloxholm in particular.  Cllr Kendrick is to be attending a Flood Meeting and any questions were invited to be directed to Cllr Kendrick to present on the communities behalf.  She also addressed the resignation of Cllr Walker and presented him with a gift hamper thanking him for his services to the parish council.                                                                      

23/190   The clerk presented apologies from Cllrs R Kendrick, G White,  C Johnson, and J Wilkinson

23/191   Approval of Draft Minutes from the last meeting- notes of the PC meeting held on 26th September, 2023    approved, agreed as correct and signed by the Chair.

23/192   Clerks Report   -   planning application for a new Joint (GCHQ & MoD) operations building – possible    visit to RAF Digby 4th or 5th Dec.  No date confirmed due to absences.  Clerk will arrange.

Grant Aid applications received so far

Clerks Appraisal – completed and signed

23/193   A15 Road Safety – update – the issue regarding the lay-by at the top of Navenby Lane has been registered with and acknowledged by FixMyStreet who are now dealing with the problem.   

22/194  Parish Council Engagement – Cllr Walker is to attend a Teams meeting on 7th December to voice the local priorities which have been agreed as – Speeding through the village, ASB and Rural Crime.

Cllr Walker is also to join an RAF Digby meeting of the Road Safely Committee who also wish to address speeding through their village.

23/194 Speeding in Dorrington – Cllr Walker outlined the hold up in the implementation of change in speed signs which is due to the delay in providing details of gas pipes/installations in the area. 50mph signs are to be replaced with 40mph ones - early December.

23/195 National Pay Award – the Clerk requested permission to apply for back dated pay rise which was due in April 23 but has only just been approved.  Majority agreement.

23/196  Springwell Solar Farm Land Interest questionnaire -  the Chair explained that the documentation is in relation to the Church and the land surrounding it.  Relevant email to be forwarded to Mrs V Smith who has a role within St Hybalds Church to request further advice on this matter.

Financial Report
23/197/01  Precept discussed – question raised regarding large grant application submitted by Ashby Village Hall in order to carry out necessary repairs.  Agreed that quotes should be produced to the Council so that an educated    and balanced decision on the final Grant amount can be made.  It was noted that grant funding for village organisations generally covers insurance not maintenance costs.

Citizens Advice also requesting a larger amount which was approved on the understanding that a lesser amount will be granted on the next application.

The amount put aside for LIVES in respect of maintenance of the defibs in Ashby and Bloxholm will be subject to further investigation dependant upon how regularly the batteries need to be replaced    (notwithstanding after any usage).   Clerk to check.

23/197/02 Reconciliation and Balance Sheet - approved & signed  

23/197/03  Cheques for signature

Cq No

    To whom payable:



J Eley – Wreath for Armistice Day/Church

£    60.00


Autela Payroll Services

£    54.58


Village Hall Rent

£    20.00



£    83.76


Clerk Salary (Oct)

£   312.52


Clerk Salary (Nov)

£  312.32

23/198  Planning Matters – RAF Digby – planning application for a new GCHQ & MoD operations building.

Meeting to be arranged at RAF Digby - 4th or 5th Dec, 23.

23/199  General  Correspondence – Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine

23/200  Date of next meeting   -The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 25th January, 2024