September 2023 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Ashby de la Launde and Bloxholm with Temple Bruer andTemple High Grange Parish Council held on Tuesday 26th September 2023

Present: Cllrs: L Reilly (Chair),  G White (Vice Chair), J Wilkinson, T Eley,  W Lawrence, Cheryl Johnson

Also present: Mrs J Eley (Clerk)

Not present – Cllr R Kendrick Cllr A Bailey, Cllr R Walker

Meeting opened 7.32pm 

22/166  Chair welcomed all present

22/167  Apology received from:  Cllr R Kendrick – unable to make it due to family commitments

No Declarations of Interest or requests for Dispensation

22/168   Approval of Draft Minutes from the last meeting- notes of the PC meeting held on 25th July, 2023 approved, agreed as correct and signed by the Chair.

22/169   Clerks Report  Bank Mandates all cleared – four signatories now available.

Defibs package – LIVES reinstated as Maintenance provider.  Update on defib checks requested by Clerk – awaiting report.
New meetings Calendar for 2024 approved – to be emailed out to all Councillors
Age UK – Warm & Wise poster to be posted online by Chair
Privacy & Access Statements now updated on PC webpages
St Barnabas Hospice – offering quiz nights and coffee mornings – Clerk to forward onto VH Committee
Clerks Appraisal to be completed before next meeting

22/170  Heritage Grant Scheme – discussed the possible use of grant funding.  Horse drinking feature in village in need of cleaning/restoring.  Cllr J Wilkinson agreed to approach Ashby Hall owner who has previously intimated that he will initiate works to restore the feature. Grant to be applied for to contribute towards any works.
22/171 British Legion Wreath -  all in agreement for Clerk to make the usual wreath purchase incorporating the usual £60.00 donation to RBL.
22/172 Speeding in Dorrington – Cllr Walker absent – item to be carried over.

22/173 Feedback on Mr Dowseys request for A15 signage/speed minimser measures.  - although there have been some measures implemented i.e. SLOW now printed on the road on the approach to the junction with Navenby Lane, it is felt that there are still many dangers around this junction, one being the ‘layby/passing space’ on the A15 as it is unclear what this space is actually intended for.  The road markings are unclear and it has been noted by Cllr C Johnson that cars are pulling over and stopping/parking in this space which poses a great danger for vehicles who are used to using it as a passing place and lorries who may plough into the back of a parked vehicle.  Signage still required to indicate whether this is a filter lane or indeed a layby?  Chair to follow up with Cllr Kendrick and to add a notice to FixMyStreet App.

Cllr White pointed out that a 20mph speed sign has been erected in Bloxholm, however, there is also a 30mph indicator printed on the road at the same spot which is conflicting information.  Clerk to add this issue to FixMyStreet also

22/174 Financial Report  -
22/174/01  Reconciliation and Balance Sheet - approved & signed

22/174/02  Cheques for signature

Cq No

    To whom payable:



LIVES – Maintenance Package (|SLA)

£   456.00


NKDC Election costs

£    48.60


Clerk Salary (Aug 23)

£   312.52


Clerk Salary (September)

£   312.32


HMRC/PAYE – second quarter)

  £ 234.40


Cheque Void



Village Hall rent

£    20.00

22/175  Planning Matters – RAF Digby – planning application for a new GCHQ & MoD operations building.

Request for representative from RAF Digby to visit Councillors to discuss the outline for the above planning application.  It was agreed to extend the invitation to our next parish council meeting in November.

22/176  General  Correspondence – Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine,  Outdoor Furniture leaflet, LIVES donation letter

22/177  Date of next meeting   -The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 23rd November, 2023 
*(altered from Calendar date 30th November, 2023)

Meeting closed at 20.35 pm