May 2023 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Approved Notes of the meeting of Ashby de la Launde and Bloxholm with Temple Bruer and Temple High Grange Parish Council held on 11th May 2023

Present:   Mrs L Reilly (Chair), Mr R Walker (Vice-chairman), Mr G White, Mrs J Wilkinson,  Mr T Eley, Mr W Lawrence

Cllr R Kendrick

Also present:    Mrs J Eley (Clerk)      New Councillor - Co-opted   Mrs Cheryl Johnson

Meeting opened 7.31pm 

23/30     Election of Chair & Vice-Chair

Cllr J Wilkinson proposed Cllr L Reilly to remain as chair and this was seconded by Cllr T Eley with all    present in agreement.

Vice-Chair Cllr R Walker resigned his position but remains as a Councillor.  Cllr G White was proposed as new    Vice-Chair by Cllr L Reilly and this was seconded by Cllr J Wilkinson.  All present in agreement.  

Co-option of Cheryl Johnson as a new Councillor was agreed.

23/31   Declarations of Acceptance of Office -  completed by all present.  Register of Interests also completed by all    present excepting new Vice Chair G White who’s forms were printed in portrait.  New completed copies in    landscape to be emailed to Clerk

23/32   Chairmans Remarks – already spoken in AGM twenty minutes previously.

23/33     Annual Report – also already given by Cllr R Kendrick in AGM.

23/34   Apologies – none received.
23/35   Approval of Draft Minutes from meeting 16th April, 2023.  

23/36    Clerks Report   -  Payment made into PC Account by Lincs Co-op Community Fund total of £966.42 on 14th    April 23.  £500 assigned back to the PC as agreed contribution by the Parish Council towards the cost of the    defib.  Balance of £466.42 held until required by Temple Bruer.

Bank Mandate for new signatories – nothing received from Lloyds with regard to this.

23/37  Springwell Solar Farm – Chair already covered this in AGM.

23/38  Zurich Parish Council Insurance renewal – clerk seeking approval to continue with Zurich Insurance to    cover the PC’s need in this regard.  Cllr R Walker suggested looking into alternative providers/costs etc next    year to ensure due diligence.  Agreed by all.

23/39   Speeding – Cllr Walker advised that Dorrington is awaiting final approval for a speed reduction to 40mph    through the current 50mph zone on the B1188.

There is still a need for signage through Bloxholm with regard to the sharp bend in the village and also an    inspection of the bridge when entering the village.  Cllr R Walker volunteered to look into the last bridge    inspection date.

There has also been a request for action regarding speeding through Digby (RAF side on B1191).  Cllr R    Walker agreed to contact the RAF Station Commander via letter to voice the concerns about speeding vehicles    through the area. 

The Community Speed Watch (CSW) issue was also discussed the general consensus still being that none of    the PC Councillors would want to put themselves up for speed monitoring.  It was agreed that residents should    be given the chance to volunteer for this if they wish the PC to join the CSW scheme.  Chair L Reilly will put    out a social media notice to this effect.

23/40 email addresses – discussed and agreed that this is not required at this time as it is not obligatory and    is a further cost to the parish.

23/41     Dog bin request for Temple Bruer – itemised in response to a resident from out of the parish who walks her dog near to Temple Bruer.  The site suggested turned out to be out of the Parish boundary and is therefore not a viable proposition.  Agreed in principle if a location within the parish is found.

23/42  Signing of updated Fixed Asset Register  -  approved and signed.

23/43  Financial Report  -

23/43/01    Financial Report – Reconciliation and Balance Sheet - approved & signed 

Account Summary 22/23 approved and signed

AGAR documents – discrepancy on accounts – Clerk awaiting guidance from auditors.

23/43/02   The following cheques were approved and signed -

Cq No

    To whom payable:



Village Hall x 2 payments

£     40.00


LALC – Website Maintenance fee

£   204.00


Autela Payroll Services

£     69.31


Zurich Insurance renewal

£   198.81


Clerks Salary (April)

£   312.52


Ashby St Hybalds Church

£   300.00


Bloxholm St Marys Church

£   300.00



£   150.00


Sleaford Citizens Advice

£   100.00


Cllr Lisa Reilly - Ink Cartridges for Solar Flyer

£     91.70

23/44    Planning Matters   -  Applications and Approvals -

Planning Application Reference: 23/0227/OUT 
Proposal: Outline application for the erection of 1 dwelling with means of access to be considered    
Location: Land To The North Of Main Street Ashby De La Launde Lincoln Lincolnshire LN4 3J 
Decision – Application not approved

Planning Application Reference: 23/0188/FUL 
Proposal: Erection of detached dwelling with attached garage 
Location: The Old Vicarage 1 Main Street Ashby De La Launde Lincoln Lincolnshire 

Planning Application Planning Application Reference: 23/0536/LBC 
Proposal: Change of Use & conversion of redundant agricultural building to a dwelling 
Location: Agricultural Building To The West Of Temple Farm Temple Bruer 
Application Reference: 22/1720/HOUS
Proposal: Conversion of existing internal garage/ workshop to form extension to existing dwelling together with changes to    external appearance of building, alterations to hard and soft landscaping and erection of new gated access, driveway and boundary wall
Location: The Old Granary Holly Lane Temple Bruer
23/45   General  Correspondence – Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine,  

23/46   Date of next meeting   -   The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 27 July, 2023 

Meeting closed at 20.23 pm.