March 2023 Minutes

Approved Notes of the meeting of Ashby de la Launde and Bloxholm with Temple Bruer and Temple High Grange Parish Council held on 16th March 2023

Present:   Mrs L Reilly (Chair), Mr R Walker (Vice-chairman), Mr G White, Mrs J Wilkinson,  Mr T Eley 

Cllr R Kendrick (7.40pm),  Cllr J Clark

Also present:    Mrs J Eley (Clerk)      Member of the public:   Mrs Cheryl Johnson

Meeting opened 7.29pm 

23/16  Chair opened the meeting, welcomed everyone and invited Cllr Jim Clark to speak.

Meeting was closed at 7.30pm to receive Councillor J Clarks report.  

Cllr Clarks main focus was on the proposed Springwell Solar Farm, the concerns of surrounding village residents - effects on the environment, house prices, loss of grain etc and explained the parishes ‘voice/opinion’ in future stages of negotiations.  Cllr Kendrick joined the discussion @ 7:40pm (after a pre-agreed late arrival),  highlighting risks of fires relating to solar battery storage and thermal runaway.  He also addressed the concerns regarding both Walcott and Martin as proposed sites for Anaerobic Digestion Plants and the effects these will have on the residents and surrounding infrastructure should the proposals be approved.

Meeting reopened 20.11pm.

23/17  Apologies for Absence  -  Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr S Clegg who was ill, Cllr W Lawrence who had prior arrangements and Jill Moran who had family commitments.

23/18 Declarations of Interest  -  none received

23/19 Draft Notes - 

Notes of the meeting on 19 January 2023 presented with one amendment requested by Cllr Walker on item 22/116 which was corrected and the notes agreed as correct and signed by the Chair.  Amended notes uploaded to relevant Parish website page.  

23/20 Clerks Report   -  

Problems with internet provider - now resolved and payments from April 2023 revert to Direct Debit payments from the Parish Council bank account.  Cheques to reimburse clerk for February and March ‘23 presented and signed.

Defibrilator installed at Temple Bruer -  Ashby defib to be checked for current software upgrade.

Bank Mandates -  for new Chair signature, fourth signatory, clerk as non-signatory and change of address for bank statements -  posted out 19.1.23.  - Clerk received a request for a Key Account Party form to be completed which was done and posted back.

Citizens Advice - grant form received and signed by Chair.

VAT Return completed – from 9.4.21 to 30.11.22 – posted out 19.1.23.  Letter of claim approval received by Clerk 3.3.23.

23/21  Springwell Solar Farm – Jill Moran (resident of Scopwick)  had requested to address the Parish Councillors with her concerns regarding the solar proposal but was unable to attend.  The councils steps taken so far were discussed regarding the leaflet drop and the results from that and suggestions made as to lessons learned from dealing with the situation faced by the council during the initial, highly emotional, first reactions to the proposal.  

23/22 Councillor Nomination Forms – General agreement to help each other in completing and submitting the forms.  Councillors made aware of the deadline for submission of the forms.

23/23  Vacancies Lincolnshire CC webpage  - item not really relevant at this time (pre election) but noted as a good thing going forwards.

23/24 Maintenance of Parish Council webpages – Clerk displayed hours used table and asked for agreement to a further 10 hours for the coming year.  All in agreement.

23/25 Speeding – Cllr Walker advised that Dorrington had had the use of a recording device to monitor the speed of vehicles through the 50mph area with a view to reducing this to 40mph.  No results from this yet and these are not expected for some time.

The subject of providing bin stickers at the request of an RAF Digby resident was discussed and Cllr Walker confirmed that he had some of the stickers left over from the previous purchase which can be used.  Resident to be advised and issued with said stickers (Please Drive Carefully – 30mph)  Agreed at this point that a further purchase should go ahead if more stickers are required.

23/26 Financial Matters   -

23/26/01    Financial Report – Reconciliation and Balance Sheet - approved & signed 

23/26/02   The following cheques were approved and signed -

WEL Medical Limited


£ 204.00

Ashby Village Hall rent


£   20.00

Broadband/payment to Clerk  (Feb )


£   25.00

Clerk Salary (Feb)


£ 312.52

Broadband/payment to Clerk  (Mar)


£   25.00



£ 234.40

Clerk Salary (Mar) post dated 28.3.23


£ 312.52

23/27     Planning -  

Planning Application Reference: 23/0227/OUT 
Proposal: Outline application for the erection of 1 dwelling with means of access to be considered     
Location: Land To The North Of Main Street Ashby De La Launde Lincoln Lincolnshire LN4 3J 

Planning Application Reference: 23/0188/FUL 
Proposal: Erection of detached dwelling with attached garage 
Location: The Old Vicarage 1 Main Street Ashby De La Launde Lincoln Lincolnshire 

Notification of Decision   -    Application Reference: 22/1720/HOUS
Proposal: Conversion of existing internal garage/ workshop to form extension to existing dwelling together     with changes to external appearance of building, alterations to hard and soft landscaping and erection of new     gated access, driveway and boundary wall
Location: The Old Granary Holly Lane Temple Bruer

23/28     General  Correspondence – Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine,  Invitation to RAF Digby Annual Reception,      Notice of Election – posters to be displayed, King Charles Coronation Commemorative mugs form

23/29     Date of next meeting   -   The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 11 May, 2023 (agreed and amended     from Calendar date of 25th May, 23)

Meeting closed at 21.11 pm.