April 2023 Minutes Scoping Report Meeting

Ashby de la Launde & Bloxholm with Temple Bruer and Temple High Grange Parish Council

Janie Eley
Clerk to the Parish Council
8 Main Street
Ashby de la Launde

Phone: 07375 943126
E-mail: ashbyparishcouncil97@gmail.com

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting of Ashby de la Launde & Bloxholm with Temple Bruer & Temple High Grange PC held on 13th April 2023

Present: Mrs L Reilly (Chair), Mr G White, Mrs J Wilkinson, Mr T Eley

Also present:   Mrs J Eley (Clerk)

Meeting opened 7.33pm 

22/122  The Chair opened the meeting and thanked all present for their attendance.  

She briefly outlined the purpose of the evening as itemised in the Agenda and proceeded to welcome open comment and opinion in response to the report as compiled so far.  

This report focuses specifically at this time, on the significant environmental impact of the solar farm and those issues suggested as being scoped out by the report and other important issues not raised at all within the report.                                                                                                                                                                                                                

A full discussion ensued in an effort to address all relevant points.

This official response will be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate in representation of our community and in opposition of the proposal for the Springwell Solar Farm, as assessed by the collation of feedback from an earlier leaflet drop/vote inviting our parishioners to voice their opinion on the proposal.  The results from this indicated the following:    

For                3
Against                            90
Neither for or against     2


The cut off date for submission of our report is 20th April and will available to view on the Parish Council website after this date.

Meeting closed 8.50pm

Councillors: Mrs L Reilly (Chair) Mr R Walker (Vice-Chair), Mr W Lawrence, Mrs J Wilkinson, Mr T Eley, Mr G White