May 2024 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the Annual meeting of Ashby de la Launde and Bloxholm with Temple Bruer and Temple High Grange Parish Council held on Tuesday 21 May, 2024

Present: Cllr L Reilly (Chair) Cllr G White (Vice-Chair), Cllr W Lawrence, Cllr A Eley

Also present: Mrs J Eley (Clerk) and Mrs Stella Ryde (to be co-opted as a Councillor)  

Meeting opened 19.35

24/32  Election of Chair and signing of Declaration of Office – current chair re-elected, firsted by Cllr G White and seconded by Cllr A Eley.

24/33  Election of Vice-Chair – current vice-chair resigned from this position but remains as a Councillor. 

Cllr C Johnson requested that, as she couldn’t make the meeting due to prior commitments, she would wish to be nominated for Vice-Chair in her absence - firsted by Cllr G White and seconded by Cllr A Eley.

24/34  Apologies – Cllr C Johnson – due to change in date of the meeting, Cllr Johnson was unable to attend. 

Cllr J Wilkinson has long term health issues but is hoping to return to meetings in July.

24/35  Declarations of Interest – None received 

24/36 Co-option – new Councillor Mrs Stella Ryde was co-opted in.

24/37 Approval of Draft Minutes from the last meeting- notes of the PC meeting held on 19th March, 2024  presented to those present and subsequently approved.

24/38 Clerks Report  - Ongoing issue with water running down Main St – Lincs CC dealing with this vis Fix My Street app.

Lorry Watch Scheme – addressed during Cllr Kendricks presentation where he agreed to take forward to the Highways Agency.  King Charles Portrait now in situ on Village Hall wall.  Website Maintenance package – agreed that 3hrs pack should be purchased by the Clerk as and when necessary.

24/39  A15 Road Safety signage – temp camera been put in place to monitor the problem.

24/40  Parish Council Engagement –  to address making the Parish roads safer,  addressing potholes, Policing of the parish and other issues to be looked into under the scheme.  Cllrs will contribute where pertinent to do so.

24/41  Flagpole – suggested by Cllr C Johnson.  Cllr G White has a flagpole and flags which he is happy to gift to the parish/village hall.

24/42  Springwell Solar Farm – MP Caroline Johnson raised this in Westminster fighting the application on behalf of all those potentially affected by the proposal within the Parish.  Cllr L Reilly with the help of Cllr S Ryde has submitted a document on behalf of the Parish Council in opposition to the Solar Farm proposal.

24/43  Fly Tipping in the Parish – Cllr L Reilly has contacted NKDC Environmental Protection Officer in order to put together a plan of action.  Other Cllrs also voiced their experiences with this problem around the parish.

24/44  Reducing speed limit on B1191 – Cllr L Reilly raised this subject in response to the number of accidents, vehicles leaving the road and the current 60mph speed limit being too fast for the very narrow winding road.  Initial information gathering steps have been taken by the Chair via Facebook to get a feel for residents experiences with this problem with a view to approaching Lincs Road Partnership for advice.  Cllrs all in agreement with this plan of action.

24/45 Financial Report – AGAR Return,  Reconciliation and Balance Sheet –

24/44/01  AGAR return, Reconciliation and Balance Sheet all presented, approved and signed 

24/45/02  Cheques presented for signature -  

Cq No

    To whom payable:






J Eley – Salary (April)



 Zurich PC Insurance



Connexin – April payment



Connexin – May payment



J Eley – 30mph refuse bin stickers



J Eley - Salary  Payable on 28th May, 2024


24/46  Planning Matters – as per the Agenda.  No comments.  Late planning submitted for Willows End, Bloxholm outline planning refused due to access - issue discussed.  No info on NKDC planning application pages.

24/47  General  Correspondence – presented.

24/48  Date of next meeting   -The next meeting scheduled for Thursday 18 July 2024  7.30pm in Ashby Village Hall.

Meeting closed at 20.16 pm