July 2024 Minutes

Present: Cllr L Reilly (Chair) Cllr G White (Vice-Chair), Cllr J Wilkinson, Cllr A Eley, Cllr S Ryde
Also present: Mrs J Eley (Clerk) 
Meeting opened 19.30

24/49  Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

24/50  Apologies – received from Cllr W Lawrence.

24/51  Declarations of Interest – None received. 

24/52 Approval of Draft Minutes from the last meeting- notes of the PC meeting held on 21st May, 2024  presented to those present and subsequently approved and signed.

24/53 Election of Vice-Chair – Cllr G White agreed to remain as Vice-Chair – all in agreement.

24/54  Clerks Report -   Village water feature renovation -  Cllr Wilkinson to speak to Ashby Hall.  
Use of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to put towards Village Hall renovations discussed and agreed as a worthy recipient.  Chair to make the Village Hall Committee aware of this funding.  
Community Champions Fund – residual £466.42 still in PC bank account – clerk questioning what should be done with monies left over from the funds for the Temple Bruer defibrillator.  Assumed by all that these are to be used for the good of the community.  Not assigned to any cause at this point.

24/55  A15 Road Safety signage – no update.                                                                                                              

24/56 Springwell Solar Farm – latest correspondence received and discussed re the statutory pre-application consultation under sections 42 and 43 of the Planning Act 2008 which is the ‘duty to consult on a proposed application’.  The Chair asked for ideas and is prepared to write up our response to the changes made to the Order limits from the original proposal.  Consultation response to be received no later than 11:59pm on 16th August 2024.                                 
24/57  Village gates -  Cllr Eley re-proposed the idea of ‘speed’ gates at the entrance to Ashby de la Launde on Main St.  All present in agreement with the idea – prices to be researched.

24/58  Funding for Capital Projects – discussed as per email from NKDC highlighting the capital grants scheme, Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF), where funding may be applied for as a Parish Council.  Discussed the possibility of obtaining a grant towards the proposed Village Gates and also the necessary remedial works of the Village Hall.  Email to be forwarded to Village Hall Committee Chair – Derek Marshall by clerk.

 24/59 Financial Report – 

    24/59/01  Reconciliation and Balance Sheet presented, approved and signed     
              24/59/02  Cheques presented for signature -  

Cq No

    To whom payable:



St Hybalds Church, Ashby de la Launde - Grant

£   300.00


St Marys Church, Bloxholm - Grant

£   300.00


Ashby Village Hall - Grant



Ashby Village Hall – Rent (2 months)

£     40.00


Bloxholm Recreation Room - Grant

£    650.00


LIVES - Grant

£    150.00


Citizens Advice - Grant

 £   200.00



£     83.20


J Eley – Clerk (June)

£    333.32


J Eley – Clerk (July)

£    333.12  


Autela Payroll Services

£      75.05



£     83.40


Connexin – June & July payments - Broadband

£     50.00

24/60  Planning Matters – as per the Agenda.  No comments.  

24/61  General  Correspondence – none.                                          

24/62  Date of next meeting - The next meeting scheduled for Thursday 19 September 2024 at 7.30pm - Ashby Village Hall.
Meeting closed at 20.10 pm

Signed    ................……….....……...........…………..        Dated    19 September 2024