January 2022 Agenda
Ashby de la Launde & Bloxholm with Temple Bruer and Temple High Grange Parish Council
Janie Eley
Clerk to
A telephone meeting of Ashby de la Launde & Bloxholm with Temple Bruer with Temple High Grange Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 13 January 2021 commencing at 7.30 pm. The Business to be dealt with the the meeting is listed on the Agenda. All residents welcome to join the meeting by contacting the Clerk.
- Apologies for absence and reason given.
- To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
- Requests for dispensations.
- Notes of last meeting held on 18 November 2020 to be approved as minutes.
- Clerk's report on matters outstanding
- Financial Matters
- Financial report
- To agree payment of cheques
- Budget for 21/22
- Donation to RAF Benevolent Fund/Guide Dogs for the Blind in recognition of the work of Pete Langford on the Parish Council Website.
- Revised Standing Orders
- Date of next meeting 17 March 2021 COVID restrictions taken into account.
the Parish Council
8 Main Street
Ashby de la Launde
Phone 07375 943126
E-mail: ashbyparishcouncil97@gmail.com
Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Ashby de la Launde, Bloxholm and Temple Bruer with Temple High Grange Parish Council which will be held on Wednesday 12th January, 2022 commencing at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall in Ashby de la Launde. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed on the agenda.
(Clerk to the Council)
Date - 5th January 2022
1. Apologies for absence and reasons given
2. Notes of last meeting held on 17 November 2021 to be approved as the Minutes.
3. Financial Matters
Financial Items
To agree payment of cheques -
Annual Budget/ Precept
4. Delegation of Powers
5. Planning Matters - For information only – will not be discussed at meeting.
Planning Applications - None received
Planning Approvals -
Ref 21/1657/HOUS 5 Main St, Ashby - Conversion of existing garage to utility room and bathroom + convert carport to double garage.
Ref 21/0602/HOUS 14 Main St, Ashby – Removal of lean to & proposed ext.
Ref 21/1516/HOUS Old Blacksmiths Cottage, Sleaford Rd, Ashby. Ext to West Elevation
6. Date of next meeting Wednesday 16th March, 2022
Councillors: Mr I Douglas (Chairman), Mrs A Douglas, Mrs L Reilly, Mr R Walker (Vice-Chair), Mr W Lawrence, Mrs J Wilkinson, Mr T Eley, Mr G White