September 2024 Agenda
Ashby de la Launde & Bloxholm with Temple Bruer and Temple High Grange Parish Council
Janie Eley
Clerk to the Parish Council
8 Main Street
Ashby de la Launde
Phone: 07375 943126
Dear Parishioners
You are invited to attend the Parish Council Annual meeting of Ashby de la Launde and Bloxholm with Temple Bruer and Temple High Grange Parish Council which will be held on Thursday 19th September, 2024, at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall, Ashby de la Launde. Items to be discussed are shown in the Agenda.
The formal Council business will commence at the end of the public forum if members of the public are present. Members of the public may not speak during the Parish Council meeting unless the Chair of the meeting allows this. Confidential Parish Council issues may be held privately.
Jane Eley
(Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to the Council)
Date - 14th September, 2024
1. Chairman's Remarks and invitation to members of the public and Councillors to speak
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given
3. i) to receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
ii) to receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests (if any)
iii) to grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate
4. Draft notes of last meeting held on 18th July, 2024 to be approved as the Minutes
5. Co-option of new Councillor
6. Clerk’s report on matters outstanding matters
7. A15 road safety signage update - Cllr Kendrick
8. Springwell Solar – any updates (Chair)
9. Village Gates – speed reduction – Cllr Eley
10. National Grid Pre-Application Planning Forum update if any attendees
11. Financial Report – Reconciliation and Balance Sheets
To agree payment of cheques
Cq No. |
Payable to: |
Amount |
Comments |
Ashby Village Hall |
£20.00 |
Rent |
HMRC/PAYE Aug- Sept 24 |
£83.20 |
J Eley (August) |
£333.32 |
Salary |
J Eley (September) Inv as yet unreceived |
£ |
Salary payable 28th Sept 24 |
DD |
Connexin – 2 payments (Aug and Sept 24) |
£50.00 |
Broadband |
12. Planning Matters
Application Reference: 24/0653/PNREN
Proposal: Installation of photovoltaic panels to roof of agricultural building
Location: Temple High Grange Farm Temple Grange Navenby
Approval not required
13. General Correspondence
14. Date of next Parish Council meeting – Thursday 21st November, 2024
Councillors: Mrs L Reilly (Chair) Mr G White (Vice-Chair), Mr W Lawrence, Mrs J Wilkinson, Mr T Eley, Mrs S Ryde