November 2020 Notes

Notes of the telephone meeting of Ashby de la Launde and Bloxholm with Temple Bruer and Temple High Grange Parish Council held on 18 November 2020


Mr R Walker, Mr I Douglas, Mr W Lawrence, Mr T Eley, Mrs L Reilly, Mrs A Douglas, Mrs J Wilkinson, Mrs L-J Duke

Also present:

Mrs V Smith (Clerk)

20/17 Apologies for Absence

There were no absences.

20/18 Declaration of Interest in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act

L Reilly declared an interest in item 4 - Budget for 21/22 as she is a member of the Ashby Village Hall Committee and did not make any comments on their application for a grant.

20/19 Requests for dispensations

There were no requests for dispensations.

20/20 Notes of the last 2 meetings

The notes of the meetings on 15 January and 26 August 2020 were agreed and signed by the Chairperson.

20/21 Financial Matters

20/21/1 Income and Expenditure Sheet

The income and expenditure sheet and reconciliation for 07.10.20 was viewed by councillors - there were no questions.

20/21/2 Payment of Cheques

The following cheques were approved and signed:

V C Smith - Ink Cartridges £33.54
Autela Payroll Services Ltd £64.32
V C Smith - Salary  £546.38

The following cheques had been paid between meetings:

HMRC    £162.00
Autela Payroll Services Ltd £55.44
V C Smith - Ink Cartridges £28.50
V C Smith - Salary  £558.38
Ashby de la Launde pcc  £300.00
Bloxholm St Mary pcc  £250.00
Ashby Village Hall  £1,000.00
Bloxholm Recreation Room £550.00
CAB Mid Lincolnshire  £75.00
LIVES    £75.00
LALC    £240.74
Zurich Municipal  £187.50
V C Smith - Flowers for M King £29.00
L Reilly - Printing  £27.35
V C Smith - Salary  £546.58
Marie Curie   £50.00
HMRC    £179.80
Autela Payroll Services Ltd £60.24
V C Smith - Salary  £546.38
V C Smith - Stationery  £39.09
LIVES defibrillator pads £40.00
LCC 3rd SID Payment  £1640.00
V C Smith - gift for auditor £35.00
LIVES - charge stick & pads £53.00
V C Smith - Poppy wreath £60.00
HMRC    £180.00
Cash - petty cash  £18.07
V C Smith - Salary  £546.38

20/21/3 Defibrillator Circuit

It was agreed to have LIVES take over Guardianship of the Defibrillators at Ashby and Bloxholm. Clerk to contact LIVES.

20/21/3 Budget for 21/22

The Clerk presented the proposed Budget based on previous years' expenses and applications for grants received.
The majority of Councillors agreed to give a grant of £100 to CAB and LIVES - R Walker felt that as we were taking out a contract with LIVES for the defibrillator circuit they would receive a profit from this.
Ashby Village Hall had applied for a grant of £2,000 and the majority agreed this - R Walker did not agree. With these amounts taken into account the precept would be very similar to the current year. Clerk to adjust budget for approval at the next meeting in January 2021.

It was noted that the current year's budget includes £120 for rent and it was suggested that this should be paid to the Village Hall to help with the pandemic situation. The majority of councillors agreed with the exception of R Walker.

20/22 Revised Standing Orders

It was proposed that the Clerk would update the current standing orders and circulate to councillors for discussion at next meeting.

20/23 Date of next meeting

A meeting will be arranged in January 2021 Covid 19 restrictions taken into account.